Ayer hicimos una merienda-cena internacional con mis compis del Master. La idea consitía en que cada uno tenía que hacer un plato tipico de su pais, podiá ser salado, o ensalada o postre. Yo hice una tortilla de patata (bueno en realidad la hizo Cesar, yo sólo pelé y corté las patatas) y como siempre estaba buenííííísima!!!! La verdad es que comimos muy bien, y muy variado, y los postres ayyy que postres!!!! yo veia chocolate por todas partes!!!!

Después de la cena, Matt y Joe nos deleitaron con su número particular, fue muy divertido!!!. La verdad es que nos lo pasamos genial (como siempre que estamos todos juntos), nos reimos mucho, y pasamos una velada estupenda. Pinchar aqui para ver mas fotos.

Yesterday it was our CSR event. The idea was to cook and bring a tipical dish or dessert from our country. I made a tortilla de patata, well, to be honest Cesar cooked it, I just only peel and cut the potatoes. As usual it was yummy!!! Everything was really good and we tried different dishes from everyone, and the deserts ohhh my God!!! they were delicious, I saw chocolate everywhere, it was like being in heaven!!!!.

After dinner, Matt and Joe made their show and it was fantastic!!! We had great fun and spent a lovely evening!!! Click here to see more pictures.

Después de la cena, Matt y Joe nos deleitaron con su número particular, fue muy divertido!!!. La verdad es que nos lo pasamos genial (como siempre que estamos todos juntos), nos reimos mucho, y pasamos una velada estupenda. Pinchar aqui para ver mas fotos.

Yesterday it was our CSR event. The idea was to cook and bring a tipical dish or dessert from our country. I made a tortilla de patata, well, to be honest Cesar cooked it, I just only peel and cut the potatoes. As usual it was yummy!!! Everything was really good and we tried different dishes from everyone, and the deserts ohhh my God!!! they were delicious, I saw chocolate everywhere, it was like being in heaven!!!!.

After dinner, Matt and Joe made their show and it was fantastic!!! We had great fun and spent a lovely evening!!! Click here to see more pictures.

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