Estuvimos en Londres, Cambridge, Oxford, Sherwood Forest, Stratford upon avon,...y por supuesto Nottingham City!!! Nos lo pasamos muy bien juntos, y encima nos llenaron la despesa de buen jamón, choricico y vino,....que más ibamos a pedir? asi una cosa...... que volvais!!! Os dejamos con unas fotillos.

In August some of our friends from La Horra (Cesar's village) came to visit us to Nottingham. Marta Alberto and Iñigo spent one week with us and I believe they drove more kilometres in that week than never and ever in their lives!!. We were in London, Cambridge, Oxford, Sherwood Forest, Stratford upon avon,...and of course in Nottingham City. We had fun together and they also full our pantry with good spanish ham, chorizo and wine.......what else can we ask? oh need to come back!!! we leave with some pictures.

1 comment:
Joé, tíos, qué velocidades lleváis. No veo el momento en que lleguemos a la despedida de soltero y la boda
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