No podiamos dejar pasar la oportunidad de decir que este año ha sido el lanzamiento internacional de Zaragoza con la EXPO 2008. El tema era suficientemente importante para que le demos un poco al coco, el desarrollo sostenible y el agua. Aunque nosotros no hemos podido disfrutarlo mucho, seguro que ha sido un acontecimiento memorable y que ha cambiado nuestra querida ciudad natal. Sólo pudimos pasar dos días en el recinto de la EXPO, pero nos encanto. Como siempre, unas fotillos en el link de picasa.

We cannot miss the opportunity to mention that this year has been an important year for our city, Zaragoza. It has gain international recognition for organizing an international exhibition, which was dedicated to the water and sustainable development. Although we could not enjoy at a great extent, we are sure it was a memorable event, changing the layout and feeling of Zaragoza and its citizens. We only spent two days in the area, but we loved it and we'll be back. In fact it is only 5 min walking from Maria's parents' house. As usual more photos in our picasa link.

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