Hoy decidimos ir a visitar y pasear por la playa de Sotavento. Todo el mundo nos habia recomendado visitarla debido a su extensión y su belleza. Esta playa es famosa en el mundo del windsurf ya que es allí donde se lleva a cabo los campeonatos mundiales de este deporte. Y no nos extraña que lo hagan allí!!! además de ser una playa enorme hace muchisimo, muchisimo viento!!!. De hecho cuando llegamos había más de uno practicando este deporte y aprendiendo. Tiene que ser una gozada aunque debe ser complicado ya que manejar la cometa con la fuerza con la que sopla el viento.....tela marinera!!! Estuvimos paseando por alli, algo así como unos 10 km y la playa seguía y seguía pero nosotros ya no podíamos más!!! y nada como siempre os dejamos con las foticos en el link de picasa para que veais como es este "cacho" de playa, esperemos que os gusten.

Today we decided to visit and have a walk at the Sotavento beach. Everybody had recommended us to visit it because of the extent of the beach and its beauty. This beach is very famous because it is where the Windsurf World Championship takes place every year in July. It is not strange that it is done there!!! apart from being a huge beach, it is very very very very windy!!. In fact, when we arrived there were more than few people practicing or learning windsurf and kiteboard. It must be really fun although it must also be very complicated to control the board or the kite with such as strong wind!!. We were walking and walking, something around 10 km and the beach was longer and longer but we could not go on as we were very tired. As usual we leave you with some pictures in the picasa link so that you can see this "little" beach, hope you like them.

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