El plan para nuestro segundo día fue de lo más tranquilo y relajado, básicamente el plan era no hacer na de na. Y eso es lo que hicimos, después de dormir unas 12 horicas, nos levantamos y fuimos a desayunar, y qué desayuno!! fruta, zumos naturales, tostadas, tortilla francesa, huevos fritos, chistorra,... ya os lo podeis imaginar, una pasada de comida, de hecho creo que demasiada comida. Así que después de llenar la tripa nos fuimos a dar un paseo por la playa, aunque estaba vez el paseo fue un poco más corto ya que empezó a caer un agua muy muy finita,....venga lo reconocemos, empezó a llover!!! en las Canarias!!! pero bueno duró poco tiempo. Viendo el panorama decidimos irnos de compras hasta la hora de comer y por la tarde nos fuimos al spa del hotel durante unas dos horas entre sauna, distintas duchas, piscinita con chorros de agua, jacuzzi,..(no es por nada, pero salvo las duchas y los chorros de agua es lo mismo que tenemos en Nottingham). Para terminar nuestro dia tan productivo nos pusimos guapos y nos bajamos a cenar. Como os podeis estar imaginando practicamente nos pegamos el día comiendo!!!. La verdad es que los dos necesitabamos desconectar de todo, olvidarnos de ordenadores y dedicarnos a no hacer nada, y creo que lo conseguimos!!!
Os dejamos con unas foticos para que podais ver el caminito que recorriamos para bajar a la playa y cómo era de grande la playa.

Our plan for the second day was the most relaxing and calm, basically our plan was doing nothing at all. And that was we did after sleeping around 12 hours, we got up, went down for breakfast, our first breakfast in the hotel, and again such a fabulous breakfast: fruit of all kind, smoothies, toasts, omelettes, fried eggs, bacon, chistorra, ... you can imagine a proper full Spanish breakfast, no baked beans. In fact, we thought it was too much food but we ate as much as we could. After filling our bellies we went for a walk to the beach again, although this time the walk was shorter than the first day because it started to rain. Quite strange in Fuerteventura, but do not think of the English mist, cloudy day, no, no... it was just light rain for 20 minutes. Therefore, we decided to go shopping till lunch and in the afternoon we went to the Spa of the hotel for two hours, sauna, jacuzzy, pool with streams. To be honest, it was very similar to the one we have here in Nottingham, so we did not enjoy it very much but we relaxed which was our purpose for the day. At dinner time, we got dressed properly, not with the bath suits, and we went to the restaurant of the hotel for dinner. As you can imagine we basically spent the day eating. The truth is that we needed to switch off, forget about computers, about work, and we managed to do it!!
This time the photographs will show you the path to the beach, and others views of the beach so that you can realize how big it was.

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