Hoy, Domingo por fin llegamos a Fuerteventura!!!! El viaje fue un poco largo ya que nos levantamos a las 3 de la mañana para coger el avión que salía de East Middlands y después de 4 horas de vuelo, llegamos a nuestro deseado destino: Fuerteventura (la isla más antigua de las Canarias).
Como no podía ser menos al llegar al aeropuerto nos recibió un sol espectacular y 20 graditos a las 10:30 de la mañana, increible!!! (cuando dejamos Nottingham estaba lloviendo y hacía frio). Después de pasar el control de policia (que policia nacional más majo y más "canario" había...) y coger nuestras maletas nos fuimos a por nuestro cochecito para poder ir a nuestro hotel, el cual estaba en la zona de Jandía, al sur de la isla. Así que, con el super C3 azul cielo, nos dirigimos a la única carretera principal que hay en la isla atravesandola de norte a sur (FV2).
De camino al hotel pudimos ya comprobar y ver con nuestros ojos los distintos paisajes que tiene esta isla, todo ellos preciosos. Una de las cosas que nos sorprendió es que la mayoría del terreno es Espacio Natural Protegido, y como tal, es completamente natural. Gracias a ello, Fuerteventura es una de las islas más virgenes y salvajes de las Canarias, y se nota, vaya si se nota. Había veces que parecía que estabas en el desierto con dunas de arena blanca, otras parecía un paisaje marciano, todo rocas y piedras y la única vegetación que hay son palmeras, cactus enormes y aloe vera.
Después de una horita más o menos llegamos a nuestro destino, nuestro hotel, Iberostar Fuerteventura Park en Jandía, y después de comer (por cierto, nos invitó el hotel, qué majos) y deshacer las maletas, no pudimos resistir la tentación y nos fuimos a dar un paseo por la playa que teniamos enfrente. Y qué playa!!! arena blanquita, agua transparente, sol, y eso sí mucho viento!!! (de ahi el nombre de la isla, fuerte viento: fuerteventura), y nada, andando, andando llegamos hasta el pueblo más cercano Morro Jable, que se encuentra situado a unos 5 km. del hotel, y andando por la playa!!!! Y después del esfuerzo, recobramos fuerzas en la cena y nos fuimos prontito a dormir, que entre el madrugón, el viaje y la caminata acabamos un poco cansadicos!!!!
Y esta vez sí que os recomendamos que veais las fotos en el link, esperamos que os gusten tanto como nos ha gustado a nosotros todo esto, aunque es cierto, que al natural es mucho más fascinante e impresionante!!!!!

Today, Sunday we finally arrived at Fuerteventura!!, our holidays and belated honeymoon!!! The journey was a bit long as we had to wake up at 3 am in order to take the plane in East Midlands at 6am. After 4 hours flight, the plane landed in our dream destination: Fuerteventura, the most antique of the Canary Islands, the most natural one, less touristic, our first canarian experience!!
As it could not be otherwise, no sooner did we arrive at the airport, we were welcomed by an incredible sun and 20 ºC at 10.30am, incredible and fantastic!! We had just left Nottingham in rain and 2 ºC. After passing through the police control, with such a nice and canarian policeman, asking about the flight, welcome us and wishing us a good visit (nothing compare to the English ones and their non-sense regulations), and fetching our suitcases, we went to get our rented car to go to our hotel, which was in the Jandia beach, in the southern part of the island. So... with our tiny and cozy blue-sky colour C3, we started our trip towards the hotel driving the main road of the island which goes from north to south (FV2).
As soon as we left the airport and the village where it is located, we begin noticing the different landscapes of the island, all of them beautiful and marvellous. Specially Cesar really enjoyed not seeing green, just brown and red of the desert and rocky mountains. Apart from that the fact which surprised us the most was that most of the island is Natural park, and therefore those areas are protected, without buildings or very, very few, no roads, only country tracks, they are nature in pure essence. Because of that, Fuerteventura is one of the most natural and wild canary islands, and you noticed that, it can really be noticed. Sometimes it seemed as we were in the desert, full of white-sand dunes. In other cases, it seemed as mars, all full of rocks and the only flora were palms, cactuses and aloe vera.
After one hour driving, we arrived at the hotel, Iberostar Fuenteventura Park at Jandia, and after lunch, (by the way, they invited us for lunch, so niiiccee) and unpacking, we could not take it anymore and went to the beach, and what a beach!!! Blue sky, white sand, transparent water, and wind, very windy. Because of the strong wind, the island is named Fuerteventura, Fuerte=strong, hard, Ventura=wind. And like that, we started walking, and walking on the beach and went to Morro Jable. This is the closest village to the hotel, about 5Km of walking distance on the beach, all the time on the same beach. Just our part is 5 Km long and about 200m wide, but the actual beach is more than 20 km long and goes up till Costa Calma when the tide is low. Morro Jable is a fishing village, which has been conquered by Germans!!! Among about 300 people in the hotel, 95% were Germans and the same with the village and the south of the island. After the walk and the exercise, we got our strenght back with the dinner, spanish dinner, and quickly to bed because we were really tired of the journey and the long day.
Como no podía ser menos al llegar al aeropuerto nos recibió un sol espectacular y 20 graditos a las 10:30 de la mañana, increible!!! (cuando dejamos Nottingham estaba lloviendo y hacía frio). Después de pasar el control de policia (que policia nacional más majo y más "canario" había...) y coger nuestras maletas nos fuimos a por nuestro cochecito para poder ir a nuestro hotel, el cual estaba en la zona de Jandía, al sur de la isla. Así que, con el super C3 azul cielo, nos dirigimos a la única carretera principal que hay en la isla atravesandola de norte a sur (FV2).
De camino al hotel pudimos ya comprobar y ver con nuestros ojos los distintos paisajes que tiene esta isla, todo ellos preciosos. Una de las cosas que nos sorprendió es que la mayoría del terreno es Espacio Natural Protegido, y como tal, es completamente natural. Gracias a ello, Fuerteventura es una de las islas más virgenes y salvajes de las Canarias, y se nota, vaya si se nota. Había veces que parecía que estabas en el desierto con dunas de arena blanca, otras parecía un paisaje marciano, todo rocas y piedras y la única vegetación que hay son palmeras, cactus enormes y aloe vera.
Después de una horita más o menos llegamos a nuestro destino, nuestro hotel, Iberostar Fuerteventura Park en Jandía, y después de comer (por cierto, nos invitó el hotel, qué majos) y deshacer las maletas, no pudimos resistir la tentación y nos fuimos a dar un paseo por la playa que teniamos enfrente. Y qué playa!!! arena blanquita, agua transparente, sol, y eso sí mucho viento!!! (de ahi el nombre de la isla, fuerte viento: fuerteventura), y nada, andando, andando llegamos hasta el pueblo más cercano Morro Jable, que se encuentra situado a unos 5 km. del hotel, y andando por la playa!!!! Y después del esfuerzo, recobramos fuerzas en la cena y nos fuimos prontito a dormir, que entre el madrugón, el viaje y la caminata acabamos un poco cansadicos!!!!
Y esta vez sí que os recomendamos que veais las fotos en el link, esperamos que os gusten tanto como nos ha gustado a nosotros todo esto, aunque es cierto, que al natural es mucho más fascinante e impresionante!!!!!

Today, Sunday we finally arrived at Fuerteventura!!, our holidays and belated honeymoon!!! The journey was a bit long as we had to wake up at 3 am in order to take the plane in East Midlands at 6am. After 4 hours flight, the plane landed in our dream destination: Fuerteventura, the most antique of the Canary Islands, the most natural one, less touristic, our first canarian experience!!
As it could not be otherwise, no sooner did we arrive at the airport, we were welcomed by an incredible sun and 20 ºC at 10.30am, incredible and fantastic!! We had just left Nottingham in rain and 2 ºC. After passing through the police control, with such a nice and canarian policeman, asking about the flight, welcome us and wishing us a good visit (nothing compare to the English ones and their non-sense regulations), and fetching our suitcases, we went to get our rented car to go to our hotel, which was in the Jandia beach, in the southern part of the island. So... with our tiny and cozy blue-sky colour C3, we started our trip towards the hotel driving the main road of the island which goes from north to south (FV2).
As soon as we left the airport and the village where it is located, we begin noticing the different landscapes of the island, all of them beautiful and marvellous. Specially Cesar really enjoyed not seeing green, just brown and red of the desert and rocky mountains. Apart from that the fact which surprised us the most was that most of the island is Natural park, and therefore those areas are protected, without buildings or very, very few, no roads, only country tracks, they are nature in pure essence. Because of that, Fuerteventura is one of the most natural and wild canary islands, and you noticed that, it can really be noticed. Sometimes it seemed as we were in the desert, full of white-sand dunes. In other cases, it seemed as mars, all full of rocks and the only flora were palms, cactuses and aloe vera.
After one hour driving, we arrived at the hotel, Iberostar Fuenteventura Park at Jandia, and after lunch, (by the way, they invited us for lunch, so niiiccee) and unpacking, we could not take it anymore and went to the beach, and what a beach!!! Blue sky, white sand, transparent water, and wind, very windy. Because of the strong wind, the island is named Fuerteventura, Fuerte=strong, hard, Ventura=wind. And like that, we started walking, and walking on the beach and went to Morro Jable. This is the closest village to the hotel, about 5Km of walking distance on the beach, all the time on the same beach. Just our part is 5 Km long and about 200m wide, but the actual beach is more than 20 km long and goes up till Costa Calma when the tide is low. Morro Jable is a fishing village, which has been conquered by Germans!!! Among about 300 people in the hotel, 95% were Germans and the same with the village and the south of the island. After the walk and the exercise, we got our strenght back with the dinner, spanish dinner, and quickly to bed because we were really tired of the journey and the long day.
This time we really recommend you a look to the photographs, because they are really fantastic and hope you like them as much as we do. Although it must be said that the beaches are better on live...

1 comment:
¡¡César, cagüenlaleche!! ¿¿Y el bañador que te regalamos para la despedida de soltero?? No me digas que no lo has llevado por la playa.
Con lo molón que estabas...
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