Después de haber descansado decidimos coger nuestro cochecito y empezar a visitar la isla. Pero antes tuvimos que parar en una gasolinera y comprar un par de escobillas para el parabrisas ya que nos habían dado el coche con una escobilla!!! Y después de que César consiguiera ponerla empezamos nuestra visita por la parte sur. Nuestra primera parada fue la punta de Jandía (el punto más al sur de la isla) y terminamos nuestro tour viendo y disfrutando de las maravillosas e increíbles playas de Cofete.

Para llegar a la Punta de Jandía, donde hay un faro, tuvimos que recorrer unos 20 km a través de una pista ya que todo esa parte es Espacio Natural Protegido y sólo hay caminos sin asfaltar. Así que con nuestro C3 (sin tapacubos) nos adentramos por la pista y empezamos a descubrir una de las partes más naturales y virgenes del archiepielago de Jandía, la primera zona era muy rocosa, y la segunda toda de arena y la única vegetación que vimos fueron un par de palmeras, el resto eran montañas, llanuras y el mar, siempre el mar al fondo. Justo antes de llegar a la punta pasamos por un pueblo fantasma llamado El Puertito, donde sólo había caravanas de hecho la electricidad la sacaban de un molino de viento. Y por fin llegamos al faro!!! que olas!! y que viento!! el Cierzo al lado de eso es un soplido!!! que daño la arena pegando en las piernas desnudas!!! pero mereció la pena y después de visitar la zona y hacer millones de fotos pusimos rumbo al otro lado de la isla: Cofete.

Para llegar alli también lo hicimos por una pista pero esta vez había que subir una montaña, cuando llegamos a la cima nos quedamos completamente anonanados y con la boca abierta contemplando la belleza del paisaje, Impresionante. Empezamos a bajar la montaña y os podemos aseguar que por un momento no sabíamos dónde estabamos!!! y conseguimos llegar al pueblo (por llamarlo de alguna manera) de Cofete, nada 4 especies de casas y poco más. Y nuestra ultima parada fue la playa. No queremos ser pesados pero nunca habíamos visto unas playas tan impresionantes como éstas!! no hace falta irte a las Maldivas o al Caribe para ver playas de arena blanca, agua cristalina,... están en Fuerteventura!!!! Además estabamos solitos, solitos, solitos, ni un alma, solo un coche mas que el nuestro y debía ser el coche fantástico porque no vimos al conductor. Imaginaros una playa de 10 kilometros y estar solos. Impresionante, fantástico.
Lo que más sentimos es que esta vez las fotos no muestran la auténtica belleza y pureza de estas playas. Por favor, ir a picasa y visitar ese album.

After having got relaxed in the second day, we decided to drive our C3 and start visiting the island. First, we had to stop in a petrol station in order to buy a pair of windscreen wipers because the rental agency gave us the car with only one of them. It took Cesar nearly 30 minutes to install it, to be honest the instructions were not very clear and the system was quite different from the standard one. After that, we started our trip around the south of Fuerteventura. Our first stop was "La punta de Jandia", which is the southest point of the island, and we finished the day in the beautiful, enormous, incredible, awesome Cofete beach.
In order to go to "Punta de Jandia", where there is a lighthouse, you have to drive about 20 Km on tracks, as all that area is Natural Park and therefore it is protected. The road finishes in Morro Jable. So, with our C3 without hubcaps, we went into the track and after Morro Jable's cementery and about 2 Km to the south, we discovered one of the most natural and virgin lands of the island. The first part was rocky and the next one, closer to Africa, is full of sand. The only flora we saw was a couple of palms. The rest was mountains, sand and the blue sea, always there at the end and to our side. Just before arriving at "Punta de Jandia", we went through a little village called "El puertito" where the local people have caravans to spend the summer weekends there. There is no electricity system, and they get the electricity from little wind power. We thought it was a ghost village, but later we knew it is quite popular in summer. Finally, we landed in the lighthouse, wow, such huge and amazing waves, very dangerous, surfing not allowed, they were more than 10 meters high!!! It was very, very windy. Zaragoza is famous for its strong wind, "El cierzo". Ok, "El cierzo" is its baby brother, a little "bluf" compare to that. The sand hit our naked legs, it hurt, really hurt sometimes. But it was really worth visiting. We had a long walk on that area, take millions of photos, we headed towards the west side of that part of the island: The Cofete beach.

In order to go to Cofete, we had to come back the same track. First we stopped to take some photos of surfers in a little and protected cliff. Then, we drove up a little hill, and when we got to the top of the hill, wow, we got shocked, speechless due to such a beautiful landscape. We started to go down the hill and we don't lie when we tell you we didn't know where we were. We arrived at the village, ok village with just 4 houses, and one restaurant with goats in the door. We did not stop, of course no roads, all tracks. We headed to the beach, again wow, windy, very, very windy but such an amazing beach. We cannot imagine the place in summer, with higher temperatures and nobody around. Because we were alone, and we again don't lie, alone, alone, alone. There was another car apart from ours, but we think it was KITT as we did not see the driver or any Knight driver around. 10 Km beach, nobody around, sun, the wind was a pity but we did not mind. You do not need to go to Maldives or the Caribbean to see in white sandy beaches, crystal water, they are also in Fuerteventura!!
Unfortunately, although we tried to get all the beauty of those places for you, the photographs do not show exactly how they are. Please, go to picasa and see them.

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